Donations of any amount will be used in the restoration of the Canada Southern Railway Station.
Your name will be added to our donor book, and you will receive a tax receipt.
Planned gifts should be carefully considered. They are legally documented plans designed to provide a meaningful gift to a charitable organization like the North America Railway Hall of Fame.
Planned gifts are usually arranged now and received by the charity in the future. Gifts can include a bequest in your will, life insurance policy, or charitable gift annuity. Not only do these contributions provide a gift to the Hall of Fame but also are a source of tax planning.
The needs of the North America Railway Hall of Fame are assessed annually, and an unrestricted donation can be used where it is needed most. If you choose, your gift can be designated for specific sponsorship of a chosen component of the Station.
By making a planned gift to the North America Railway Hall of Fame, you are building a future for the Canada Southern Railway Station and recognizing and preserving railway history. You are encouraged to seek professional legal, financial, and estate planning advice before deciding on a course of action.
If you would like to discuss ways in which you can make a planned gift to the Hall of Fame, please call (519) 633-2535 for more information.
A bequest is making a gift of cash or assets to the Hall of Fame. You gain the satisfaction of knowing that your thoughtfulness will provide support for years to come. Also, your estate may receive significant tax credits that can be passed on to your heirs.
Real estate, art, jewellery, and other collections can be donated to the agency. After an independent appraisal, you can be provided with a tax receipt.
A gift of publicly traded, appreciated securities can qualify for special benefits because of income tax savings. You can watch your gift have an impact while enjoying tax benefits.
A gift of an existing life insurance policy naming the North America Railway Hall of Fame as a beneficiary can provide a sizable gift, while you could enjoy income tax credits. A gift through life insurance can make a significant gift possible while leaving other assets intact for the family or the donor.
The Charitable Gift Annuity and Charitable Remainder Trusts are gifts from which the Donor and the Hall of Fame receive benefit. These gifts provide a donation while ensuring an income for the donor for life. With a Charitable Gift Annuity you receive a significant tax free income, while a Charitable Remainder Trust provides the donor with a large one-time tax credit.
Please fill out the donor form above.